
One on One Spiritual Direction

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient path to spiritual growth where an experienced, often specially trained, person provides companionship and support to another person on their spiritual journey.  It is sometimes called “spiritual friendship,” being a “soul friend” or “spiritual companioning.” 

“A spiritual director is one who helps another to recognize and to follow the inspiration of grace in his life, in order to arrive at the end to which God is leading him.” — Thomas Merton

Some reasons to engage in spiritual direction:

  • A desire to grow in self-knowledge and to seek transformation.

  • A need for sacred space to process and heal during a time of loss or grief.

  • Seeking to deepen your relationship with God.

  • A desire to integrate spirituality into your daily life.

  • Looking for discernment when facing a transition.

  • A safe place to reflect upon your life circumstances (job, marriage, relationships, etc.).

  • A way to enrich your life with spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation.

  • Support in cultivating the ability to sense God's loving presence in your life.

Practicalities of spiritual direction:

When I do spiritual direction with a person we enter into a covenanted confidential relationship which lasts over time. There is a trial period where we discern if we are a good match to work together. We usually meet on a monthly basis for a 60 - 75 minutes session.  I offer spiritual direction on a sliding scale fee basis of $50 - $80 per session. Please contact me through this website to schedule an appointment.

Contact me at to schedule a free initial consultation.


One of my joys is teaching and leading classes in spiritual formation.  I am available for adult education classes throughout the year.  I often gear my classes around the seasons of nature and the seasons of the liturgical year. 

One of my favorite topics is teaching meditation and contemplative prayer.  I have a unique approach of combining techniques of mindfulness mediation with the ancient practices of contemplative prayer.  These classes are experience-based where we do meditation exercises together as the foundation of the learning process.  Meditation and contemplative prayer are becoming a key component to the spiritual life for more and more people today

Retreats and Quiet Days

I greatly enjoy offering retreats and quiet days in a variety of settings.  Retreats are a wonderful way to get away from the stress and strain of daily life and recharge one’s spiritual batteries.  My retreats are experience-based using spiritual practices such as silence, prayer, meditation, walking prayer, lectio divina, and journaling to deepen one’s experience of God.  One of my goals is to give retreatants spiritual tools that they can take home and practice in their daily lives.

Here is an example of a Zoom retreat that I offered at St Placid Benedictine Priory in Lacey, WA.

 Jesus and Buddha Meet in Stillness:

An Interspiritual Exploration of Mindfulness Meditation and Contemplative Prayer

 To schedule a retreat or quiet day for your group please contact me directly through this website.