Events: Gatherings, Classes and Retreats

Tuesday Evening Zoom Meditation Chapel, 7:00 - 7:45 PM

You are invited to join this weekly Tuesday evening session of meditation and contemplative prayer. This Zoom gathering consists of a simple format: opening reading, a 20 minute session of silent meditation, a shorter session of guided meditation and closing prayer. If you would like to join this “drop in” meditation group, please email me at Peace to you.

"Awe 2.0", our Fall Sangha Zoom Gathering, Saturday, November 18, 9:00 - 11:00 AM. We will continue our exploration of awe and wonder drawing from Dacher Keltner’s beautiful book, Awe:  The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.  Please send an email to sign up.  Thanks.

“Cultivating Pure Awareness in Meditation and Contemplative Prayer”, Monday morning, November 20, 9:00 - 10:00 AM.  This Zoom class is a follow up to our session on cultivating the inner witness.  If you would like to attend and receive a Zoom link, please send me an email.

"An Evening with Abbot Koshin Christopher Cain", Wednesday, November 29, 7:00 PM:  Koshin is the abbot of the Puget Sound Zen Center on Vashon Island.  He will join us for a conversation on mortality awareness, death, and dying from a Zen Buddhist perspective.   Please send me an email if you would like to receive a Zoom invitation.